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საკონკურსო დოკუმენტაციის მიღების პერიოდი: 21/10/2020 - 30/10/2020

LLC “GeoHolding” Vacancy Announcement
Vacancy title: vacancy GH#001- Financial Research Associate
Opening date: October 21st, 2020
Closing date: October 30th, 2020, 17:00 Tbilisi time

Job description (“JD”) for Financial Research Associate
LLC GeoHolding is looking to hire a Financial Research Associate with immediate effect.
We offer a dynamic, evolving work environment. Our primary activity is to advise / consult the Government of
Georgia and others on strategic projects in various sectors of the economy, and we are presently growing and
diversifying our business.
The role directly reports to the senior partners / directors and external experts engaged by the company.


Qualification requirements:

Bachelor degree in Finance or 4th year undergraduate of the relevant Faculty;
In-depth knowledge of tradable and non-tradable financial instruments;
Understanding of Capital Market structures and instruments;
Knowledge about Bloomberg and Thompson Reuters databank and other available credit data resources;
High level knowledge of MS Office programs and share point;
Fluency in English is a must.


Key duties & responsibilities:

Drafting of research reports on companies, industry sectors, market instruments, market developments,
the Georgian state as an issuer of financial instruments;
Helping to find financial structuring ideas;
Preparing financial excel-sheets, business plan assumptions and simulations, market researches, weekly
public market updates;
Bringing the Consortium consultancy services and regular reports in line with international investor
Sharing knowledge and experience with the GeoHolding Project Management team
Translation of the various reports from English to Georgian and vice versa.

Personal skills:

Able to work under pressure;
Able to hold discussion and justify personal position with arguments;
Willing to work in highly motivated team;
Oriented on learning, personal development and professional growth.

Interested applicants should send their Resume written in English to the following e-mail:
and indicate the Vacancy title: Vacancy GH#001 - Financial Research Assistant in the subject line of the e-mail.

Contact person:
Sandro Dadiani

LLC “GeoHolding” Administrative Manager
mob: +995 599 011 050